2015 Election Results – HOA Board Officers
The Quarry: Board Members
At the September 2nd 2015 board meeting we held our annual elections for Trustees and Officers. Officer terms are one year, while Trustees are 2 year terms. A huge thank you to all of our fellow residents that participate in the HOA we appreciate your time and efforts!
Officers - Term Expire as noted:
- Ed Plocek, President - term exp: September 2016
- Nicole Reece, Vice President - term exp: September 2016
- Linda Lister, Treasurer - term exp: September 2016
- Amy Kaufman, Secretary - term exp September 2016
Trustees - Term Expire as noted:
- Ben Krasner, Architectural Trustee - term exp September 2017
- Mike Nowak, Grounds Trustee - term exp September 2017
- John Walczak, Webmaster Trustee - term exp September 2016
- Joe Ceglio, Trustee - term exp September 2016
- LaTesha McDonald, Welcoming Committee Chair